Monday, January 15, 2007


What Apple, Inc. Doesn't Know They Have

Wake up Steve Jobs! Be excited about the iPhone, and be even more excited about Apple TV!!!

When I was the Chief Software Architect at a small extremely well-funded IP streaming TV company in 1999, I made a prediction and started working toward my vision. The rest of the management of the company didn't understand my vision, and I left the company. That company is gone now, and my vision died when the Internet depression hit us in 2001.

Apple, Inc. has implemented 90% of my vision, and they have no idea that they have. The iPhone will make a lot of money, and Apple TV will make much more through the iTunes store. All they have to do is complete my vision using Apple TV and iTunes.

OK, now the vision: my TV shows and no #$%# commercials. Sounds ho-hum huh. This is one of those ideas that doesn't sound like a big deal until you experience it for the first time. It is just like sex: until you experience it for the first time you really don't get it, and then once you do, you can't get enough.

For months I've been rolling my own evening's worth of entertainment from iTunes. I have to watch it on my computer and that is the downside. Now with Apple TV I get it on my TV (now I need to go purchase a TV - long story). Last night my honey and I watched Night Gallery, The Outer Limits, intermixed with some music videos. AND no commercials, and we just paused it when needed, and skipped over the end credits, and skipped over a show we thought we might like and didn't. Wow, man it was great!

By the Numbers

So each episode costs $1.99, and last night cost me about $8 with no commercials, and unlimited re-runs, and I control it. Your average cable bill is about $50/month with commercials and NO CONTROL. I only spend about $60/month doing it this way. And it is sooooo worth it.

Do you have any idea how time is spent flipping channels? The commute time between a show I want to watch is such a waste. A few things need to be changed to provide me what I want


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