Monday, April 02, 2007



Fear. Living in fear. A constant pain that causes the animal to amputate the soul through knawing. Make the pain go away.

Hemmingway in many ways was a hack. Oh, how he could turn a phrase! He was gifted in writing, just not in creativity. So limited by pain, he couldn't allow the mind to create from positive energy. So how can I say that? He became famous, and wealthy; recognized by peers as a great writer. And who am I? Some writing ability, lots of creativity, and not driven by pain to be obsessive enough to throw away family, friends, and a great woman for the sake of writing.

Those that we hold up as "famous" tend to be mentally focused driven by obsessions. We enjoy the results of their obsessive focus. However, I believe that this also inhibits them from reaching the pinnacle of possibility in their creativity. Society ultimately rewards them through adoration, and purchase of the obsessive works. So which is correct? And which is substance? And does it matter?

If I were the obsessive, then I would continue this entry today for much longer. However, I'm not that obsessive. Besides this is just for cathartic reasons. Get it?

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