Thursday, November 06, 2008


You Won't Understand Until You are Ready

It's interesting how most people, when told a great truth, don't understand the enormity of that truth because most great truths are very simple.

If you dwell on that great truth as stated in simple terms, then it is quite likely that you understand the great truth in the intellectual mindset, and not in your core. I think that without seeking, and exploring for the great truths, you cannot fully understand them. You've got to go through the hard work of thinking through these truths. Accepting a new belief without testing it leads to a fanatic faith which then leads to a worse world for us all.

I believe I have found the greatest truth of all, and I feel truly liberated. It is very simple, yet very complicated.

So in sharing it verbally with several people I have found that they understand it intellectually, however I don't perceive the sense of awe that the truth deserves. Maybe I expect to much. At least I know it for myself.

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